Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve

Does this sound like the best new year's or what?
So, first we will pack up kid and dog and head over to Tracy & Jason's for a sleepover! Then, we will eat, drink and be merry all night! We will play XBox like silly kids and race 'til our hearts content! The trash talk will be flying through a good game of golf! We will go sledding and enjoy the fresh new snow of 2008! Again, we will eat, drink and be merry! Did I already mention that? Ahhh... but best of all, the kids will run amuck and get crazy until we finally tuck them in and bid them goodnight for another year! We will toast to the new year and all the good things to come (like Disney Magic )!!! We will talk and laugh and be thankful for good friends!
Happy New Year everyone!

Edited: We had a blast! The kids danced and were silly loud! The snow was outrageous! I think it was best because we hadn't even counted on it! We went tobogganing for hours. Shawn and Jay provided taxi rides (aka 4-wheeler rides) up the hill.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Slowin' down and enjoying the time

That's what we're doing... just taking things a little slower and trying to enjoy the day without all the hoopala! We've been going since Monday and today, I just want to relax and putter around the house. Gavin is snuggled in watching his new Scooby-Doo video and loving all his new toys. I'm playing with my new digital SLR Canon Rebel! Wooohooo! Poor Shawn.. back to work. So sad for him. I know he would have loved a day too!
I have so enjoyed the last few days. One of the best. But everyone needs a day at home... a day to just slow down and enjoy the moments!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Gavin's Christmas List!

How cute is this? Sue had Santa come by to see the kids yesterday! Gavin was thrilled! He came home with so much energy and excitement! He couldn't wait to tell us all about his visit!

We asked him what Santa said and he said " ho, ho, ho"! He gave Gavin an orange... which was like the greatest thing at that moment! We asked what he told Santa he wanted for Christmas and he said a toy soldier, a camera, cars, and a music box with a ballerina and a prince inside??? What? Where did he get that idea? And just how do you find a music box that isn't pink? If you know of one.... please tell me!

Seriously... this kid is hilarious! He gets better every day. Just now, he delivered a drawing of a stocking, that he cut out also, so that I could put it on the mantle for Santa! So cute.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Retail Therapy & Sleeping in on Sunday

So... it doesn't happen very often but Gavin slept over at Grandma and Poppa's last night. Which means, we slept in today. It was delightful and yet I hate to say it, but my heart was yearning for him to be home. It was so bad that I had anxiety driving to go shopping. I kept worrying about him driving home with my parents and something bad happening. I know... crazy but it was awful. I couldn't relax until I knew he was home safe with Daddy. Lucky for me, a little retail therapy was just what I needed.
Yesterday, we shopped all day in Kingston. Shawn's a little like dead weight at times but he picked up the pace yesterday and we accomplished a lot of our holiday shoppping. I don't think he knew what hit him. He kept wondering if there would be time for a nap. I surprised him and drove him around all day so he could relax between stores!
Today I continued the madness. First stop... starbucks with no bank card and therefore no latte! Sad. But things improved once I hit Toys R Us (Gavin's new camera that was a hot request for Santa), Winners (gifts for all the office girls and Suey), Laura Secord (stocking stuffers and candy for Suey), and lastly, Walmart (more stocking stuffers, pictures frames, chocolate/candy, XBox games etc.)! Phew... funny but I felt awesome after all that shopping. It may be sad to say but it really is therapy for me. I just LOVE to shop!
Now I sit... thinking about wrapping, glad my boy is home and in bed, wishing I had one more day to stay home before going back to work. But there's only 10 more work days until Christmas holidays... I think I can hang in there!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

A perfect night at home and some good 'ole Christmas anticipation of things to come

Does anything top this? I'm sitting at our big barn board coffee table with a stack of Christmas cards to write, presents to wrap, a big glass of merlot and some good ole Thursday night television! Really? Tell me. Does it get any better? Sure it would be nice if Shawn were home but this will do just fine. Did I mention that a roaring fire is keeping me warm and cozy? Ahhhh yes... I LOVE this time of year. The anticipation of Christmas holidays makes me giddy. Gavin too! He's still singing away in his bed!

There's always so many things to look forward to that I can barely wait for the next fun outing or gathering. This weekend we have our traditional Warkworth Santa Claus parade. It's a quaint, small town, nightime parade! We just love the feel in the village and the old fashioned style!

Saturday, we have a day of shopping. Gavin is spending the rest of the weekend with Grandma & Poppa while we go to my staff party. And we get to sleep in on Sunday! This never happens.

Seriously.... does it get better?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Doctor, Doctor

Ahhh the funny things my son does! Right now, at this very moment I am his patient. I am covered up, bandaged and getting a needle in my cheek! Oh, now he's flashing a light into my eyes and apparently the "little ball" in my eye has fallen out and he needs a net to go catch it! Too funny I tell ya! This kid cracks me up. He does know how to listen for a heartbeat! I tell him he'll make one handsome doctor when he's big and he assures me he is already a big doctor! One final medical procedure... he's measuring me with a measuring tape. Prognosis... I'm too little! Sadly... I'm felling like he may be getting just too big, too quickly, for my liking. The doctor breaks all the rules... and kisses me goodnight!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mr. Nobody

If you have children that still watch Little Bear... you may have already heard about Mr. Nobody. We are totally emerged in Mr. Nobody talk. It seems that almost everything somehow relates to mr. nobody. The other day, Daddy set a plate out for mr. nobody to eat dinner with us. Today, Mrs. Nobody broke the gate... she's not allowed back...ha ha. Sometimes, mr. nobody puts garbage on the floor. Can you imagine? Who does that? Call it "only child" syndrome or just plain children and their imaginary friends, but whatever, it's pretty funny. Definitely keeps him entertained!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

today i procrastinate

The usual... I have reports due tomorrow and here I sit. I'm procrastinating. I do this. I find things to do that don't really need doing, whenever I have other things to do. So, I have reports due on Monday and sorting through Gavin's Christmas/Winter books is top priority. Maybe, I'll do all the laundry until there isn't a dirty sock left in the basket! Whatever, I find things to do without an issue.

Funny but I feel quite productive when I have something looming over me. Today, I taught Gavin how to use the tape/CD player so he could listen to books on tape. I also arranged all of the Christmas Decorations in the living room while drinking several cups of coffee. Oh... and I made croissants!

Things are looking up though. It used to be that I'd pull an all nighter to accomplish a task with a deadline. Now... I manage to complete things during the daylight hours... usually!

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Today I putter. It's a funny thing but I love the feeling of not really doing anything in particular but just moving around doing stuff. Puttering. It's so relaxing and I always end up feeling like I did something. Today I putter. I do laundry. I organize scrap stuff. I check out my blogs. I drink coffee. I eat chocolate. I look at magazines. I put away fall decorations. I look at winter decorations. I make lists. I read. I just putter.

All the while, my boy sleeps. Thank goodness, really because he's been so sick and emotional all week. He needs his sleep. I need the quiet time. Dad needs the quiet time. And so.... I putter.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Prelit Bliss

So, know what showed up on my doorstep this week? A humongous box, weighing in at around 100 lbs. of PRELIT BLISS! That's right. We finally broke down and got an artificial tree! After years of decorating and then redecorating and decorating again... just to get it right... I'm done. This Christmas tree has been a dream for me. I saw a few last year and it took a bit of convincing but finally, Shawn gave into my wishes. Seriously, if it means less stress with the lights and less drinking on my part...ha ha... then why wouldn't you? It's a 9 foot, prelit with 1500 white lights.. no strategy needed.... BLISS I tell ya... BLISS! It met me at the base of the garage door. I could barely move it out of the way to pull the car in! It's all good. I can hardly wait to get it in and decorated! Bring on the holidays. I'm ready!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Through Gavin's Eyes

Hallowe'en is sooo not my favourite! I've never really loved it. Sure I like candy and all but dressing up is not my thing. I did for my bachelorette but have no intentions of doing it again.

Having said that, Hallowe'en has a new feel to it with Gavin getting older. I loved seeing his excitement grow over the month of October. We read books about Hallowe'en, coloured pictures about Hallowe'en and shopped for candy and a costume! I have to say, it was much more enjoyable for me with a three year old and seeing him in his costume.

He was so sweet in his little kangaroo costume. I'm not into the scary thing. A bit of a whimp I guess but a kangaroo suited me just fine. He was so funny hopping around, talking about his "joey".

We went to 5 houses, most of which were family members. He was very excited about the process of collecting candy but really couldn't care less if he ate much of it at all. He's funny like that. Now, I can help with this part... I love candy!

Nothing beats this part of motherhood. I love seeing everything through his eyes. It makes everything so wonderful, even Hallowe'en!

Monday, November 5, 2007

sooooo lucky!

I realize it's only been a day but in all honesty, I really do feel lucky! Shawn spoils me. He does so much with Gavin that when he's away I really notice the difference. I don't think I tell him enough just how much I appreciate all his help. He bathes, feeds, dresses, brushes teeth, reads stories, sings songs, makes breakfast and picks him up everyday! Really! What do I do? I know I'd do more if Gavin weren't such a daddy's boy. He chooses Shawn over me daily. That's hard for a dad to turn down. And really, he's only little once. Eventually, he won't need us to do those things for him.

But Shawn makes my life managable. He makes it possible for me to be fulfilled in my career and my homelife. He keeps me grounded and encourages me in everything I do. Sadly, I really don't let him know this nearly often enough when he is around. I get worked up over the little things that annoy me instead of all the wonderful things he does everyday.

When he gets home... I'm gonna let him know all of this and maybe even stick with it for a bit. We'll see.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Layouts inspired by Fall!

Sunday Morning Ramblings....

Well, it's that time again when Shawn heads off to the Hunting Camp to *pretend* hunt. I like to say that. I really don't know if he could shoot a deer but either way it makes me feel better. So, off he went... both Gavin and I clinging to his leg. I get especially sappy when he leaves me for a whole week. Partly, I am thinking of myself and partly, of missing him! I admit it. It's really hard when he's away. He is Gavin's best friend and boy does he miss him. Shawn does everything for that little boy... which makes me happy that I may get some time with him but I know how much busier I'll be without him to do the bath and get the breakfasts! Etiher way, a little time apart is always good and I know how much he and Faith will enjoy the camp. It's only a week... right?

This week we enjoyed two dates! Tuesday we saw Matthew Good at the Empire. It was such a great show! We just chilled and enjoyed the intensity of what Matt had to offer. He has such a unique sound and when he sings you really do feel it! It's intense but oddly funny at the same time.

Last night, we were out at Ashley & Justin's Jack and Jill. We had a good time just having a few drinks with family. It was pretty low key. But, Shawn did manage to win two raffle prizes, including a digital camera and a case of Red Bull. Too funny... all he really wanted was the ipod.... shhhhhh.... Santa. Things happen for a reason.

So, right now, Gavin and I sit at the table with playdoh everywhere and some good tunes playing in the background. Does it get any better for a Sunday morning? Oh and thank goodness for the extra hour. I love that feeling at 6am when you realize it's only 5 and you can keep sleeping! Woohoo!

Life is good.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


This kid loves his Papa. Lately he's been pretty lovey with Grandma but when it comes to playing, Papa is a sucker for doing whatever Gavin demands! He drags Papa around the house/yard making all kinds of demands. Push me. Pull me. Cover me with leaves! I'd say "poor papa" but I think he kinda likes it!

Algonquin Park

Continuing on with the fall traditions theme....
We will often stop in Algonquin park on our way home from Bala. It is one of the most beautiful places during fall. On this particular day, it was cool but there were several people out canoeing and enjoying one the last days out on the lake. Gavin was excited to stop and have a rest from the long drive.

When we were in Bala we bought Gavin this sweet little hat. I just loved it the moment he put it on. Ethan also got one but I didn't get a picture of the two of them. Someone did! Susanne, if it was you, can you please send it to me? I would love to have it!

I figure, when they are young and still very influenced by our decisions, we should make them look as cute as possible. Shawn says that's half the battle... but a hat goes along way with me and cuteness!

Bala Cranberry Festival

I know. It's been awhile and things are a little "old news" now but I still want to share the stories whether they are old or recent. They're too good to let pass by.

The weekend after Thanksgiving, every year, we head up to Muskoka country for a fall tradition that we LOVE! The Bala Cranberry Festival! And yes, we do love cranberries. But that's not the only reason we go... we love the atmosphere... fresh fall days... it always rains!

This year was extra special because we took our trailer and camped at Gullwing. The Fillmore's came along with their huge 31 foot trailer to join us (only 19 feet!). The best part was all the kids. Gavin loved having Maggie, Mitchell and Madison to keep him entertained.

On Saturday, the Antunes' family came and also Erin and baby Jessica. There were 7 adults and 7 children! We headed into the festival, all bundled up. First stop...Cranberry Marsh for some wine tasting and the popular cranberry chutney and peameal bacon sandwich! Delicious!

After, we went to all of the of course and to the rides for some kiddie fun. Gavin had his first pony ride... too cute!

It was so great to catch up with my girls! I miss them so much between visits and yet it's like no time has passed when we get together. Oh, except we all have kids and husbands now!

I love a good fall tradition but it's even better when it's shared with friends!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's happening....

My little baby boy is getting so old. He just seems older and it scares me to death! Tonight we went to buy his first pair of hockey skates and a helmet. He starts skating this upcoming Monday. He looked so cute in his little skates and helmet but it broke my heart. I thought about how wonderful this new stage will be but also how he'll never be my baby again. Cutest thing though... he kept talking about "jumping and jumping" when he gets on the ice. He said that's what Dora does. We replied... yes but hockey players don't jump. Bad...I know. Anyway, I just want more time. I just want more days of snuggles and songs and stories; more mornings of him climbing into bed with us. I just want more. Gotta go. I feel a need to go give him another kiss goodnight.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

So Thankful

Today I was talking to Gavin about Thanksgiving and being thankful. He was so funny. He began thanking for all kinds of things like kiwi and fall leaves. He didn't really understand but I sure did like hearing the gratitude in his voice for the little things. It's not really about the big stuff anyway. It's good to be thankful for all the little things that bring delight and contentment to our lives... even kiwi.
We headed out for our annual fall tradition.. picking the pumpkin at Campbell's Orchard. We got all kinds of fun things like gourds, apple cider, fresh broccoli, apple chips and yes, the pumpkin. It's a tradition. I LOVE traditions. They give me that special something to look forward to.
Today, I am thankful for so many things. But mostly, I am thankful for my family and that feeling of contentment that I feel right now. It may change, but right now... I feel it.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

new love

As I get older I make new realizations often.... like how much I LOVE fall. I think I always liked fall but I LOVED summer so much that I was blinded by all that fall had to offer. Yesterday, I was watching Gavin outside and just looking at our home with new eyes and I thought..."it sure is beautiful around here"! It's so fresh and yet the colours bring a warmth to our surroundings that just makes me love it. Today Gavin is at it again. He's collecting leaves to fill Frankenstein for Hallowe'en. I always said I would never have those on my lawn but what do ya do when your sweet 3 year old insists? You go with it and LOVE it!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Saturday Nite Scrappin'

So it may sound quite pathetic but really this is what I LOVE to do on a Saturday nite. No, maybe not every weekend but we've been away soooo much that I am just happy to be home scrappin'.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Getting caught up

Good thing coughing up a lung doesn't affect the blog. Really. I'm getting all the blogging in that everyone has been after me about. Who knew people would actually read this and care if I kept it up to date. I can relate as I read several blogs daily. Quite addictive really.
So, I am going back a bit here but thought it was about time to share the newest tradition for our family- Labour Day Weekend Camping Trip at Quinte Isles. We LOVE it there (back at the lake of course). Now, obviously this year was exceptional as it was PERFECT weather! Not always the way on this particular weekend.
Shawn and I decided to go there and leave an open invitation for others to join. We knew the Vanslykes would join us but really it was up in the air for the rest. Happily, we were surprised to have many family and friends join us.

-Dog Fight (well, not really a good highlight but a highlight none the less)
-Poker (with Derek being the big winner- who knew?)
-Frog catching with Blair (Gavin's fave)
-Campfire sing-a-long with Sam (This old man- the new favourite)
-Badminton matches
-Delicious Food!
-lots of good drinks
-Kite Flying (thanks again Vanslykes for the great bday gift!)
-The kids playing so happily and having such a great time
-Gavin falling asleep fireside
-quality time with our family and friends

Thanks guys! It was great to have such a good turnout. We loved all the company!
See you all next year!

NOTE: MARTHA is talking about blogs on her show today!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Rainy Day Camping

This past weekend we headed up past Bolton for Faith's first hunt test. We stayed in the Albion Hills Conservation Area. What a wonderful park! Anyone who loves mountain biking or hiking would LOVE this place. There are tons of amazing trails and the park is sooo clean. Nice. One problem... I have pneumonia and couldn't enjoy most of it. We did venture out for a few walks. I think Gavin was getting "trailer fever" from all the indoor play! Either way, we had as good a time as we could. It rained all day Saturday but it was great for puddle jumping. We also got to test out the trailer's furnace (6 degrees Saturday night...brrr) and the oven (lasagna).
Faith passed her junior test! Shawn was proud with his ribbon but has his work ahead of him for her senior test. Faith has a lot of drive and gets really excited when it comes to fetching anything... especially ducks! This doesn't always work in her favour.
Our little "Trail-Cruiser" sure is getting lots of use this summer. Might be time for an upgrade!

Cimeron Farm's Annual Barn Dance

Okay, so this was way out of our normal weekend. We went here
We actually took Wayne and Denise up on their offer and headed up to London for the weekend. Curiousity got the better of us. We knew that they had a beautiful property but WOW... this was unbelievable! (see the website for pictures of the HOUSE!) We had drinks at JT's before leaving for the dance! When we arrived we were greeted warmly by our hosts and their guests. We had Denise's famous ceasar salad, Wayne's slow fire-roasted beef, potatoes and corn on the cob. Delicious. The band was old country and even "Scooter" took the stage to sing some tunes! We partied well into the night and met alot of great people. More good times. Does it ever end?