Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve

Does this sound like the best new year's or what?
So, first we will pack up kid and dog and head over to Tracy & Jason's for a sleepover! Then, we will eat, drink and be merry all night! We will play XBox like silly kids and race 'til our hearts content! The trash talk will be flying through a good game of golf! We will go sledding and enjoy the fresh new snow of 2008! Again, we will eat, drink and be merry! Did I already mention that? Ahhh... but best of all, the kids will run amuck and get crazy until we finally tuck them in and bid them goodnight for another year! We will toast to the new year and all the good things to come (like Disney Magic )!!! We will talk and laugh and be thankful for good friends!
Happy New Year everyone!

Edited: We had a blast! The kids danced and were silly loud! The snow was outrageous! I think it was best because we hadn't even counted on it! We went tobogganing for hours. Shawn and Jay provided taxi rides (aka 4-wheeler rides) up the hill.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Slowin' down and enjoying the time

That's what we're doing... just taking things a little slower and trying to enjoy the day without all the hoopala! We've been going since Monday and today, I just want to relax and putter around the house. Gavin is snuggled in watching his new Scooby-Doo video and loving all his new toys. I'm playing with my new digital SLR Canon Rebel! Wooohooo! Poor Shawn.. back to work. So sad for him. I know he would have loved a day too!
I have so enjoyed the last few days. One of the best. But everyone needs a day at home... a day to just slow down and enjoy the moments!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Gavin's Christmas List!

How cute is this? Sue had Santa come by to see the kids yesterday! Gavin was thrilled! He came home with so much energy and excitement! He couldn't wait to tell us all about his visit!

We asked him what Santa said and he said " ho, ho, ho"! He gave Gavin an orange... which was like the greatest thing at that moment! We asked what he told Santa he wanted for Christmas and he said a toy soldier, a camera, cars, and a music box with a ballerina and a prince inside??? What? Where did he get that idea? And just how do you find a music box that isn't pink? If you know of one.... please tell me!

Seriously... this kid is hilarious! He gets better every day. Just now, he delivered a drawing of a stocking, that he cut out also, so that I could put it on the mantle for Santa! So cute.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Retail Therapy & Sleeping in on Sunday

So... it doesn't happen very often but Gavin slept over at Grandma and Poppa's last night. Which means, we slept in today. It was delightful and yet I hate to say it, but my heart was yearning for him to be home. It was so bad that I had anxiety driving to go shopping. I kept worrying about him driving home with my parents and something bad happening. I know... crazy but it was awful. I couldn't relax until I knew he was home safe with Daddy. Lucky for me, a little retail therapy was just what I needed.
Yesterday, we shopped all day in Kingston. Shawn's a little like dead weight at times but he picked up the pace yesterday and we accomplished a lot of our holiday shoppping. I don't think he knew what hit him. He kept wondering if there would be time for a nap. I surprised him and drove him around all day so he could relax between stores!
Today I continued the madness. First stop... starbucks with no bank card and therefore no latte! Sad. But things improved once I hit Toys R Us (Gavin's new camera that was a hot request for Santa), Winners (gifts for all the office girls and Suey), Laura Secord (stocking stuffers and candy for Suey), and lastly, Walmart (more stocking stuffers, pictures frames, chocolate/candy, XBox games etc.)! Phew... funny but I felt awesome after all that shopping. It may be sad to say but it really is therapy for me. I just LOVE to shop!
Now I sit... thinking about wrapping, glad my boy is home and in bed, wishing I had one more day to stay home before going back to work. But there's only 10 more work days until Christmas holidays... I think I can hang in there!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

A perfect night at home and some good 'ole Christmas anticipation of things to come

Does anything top this? I'm sitting at our big barn board coffee table with a stack of Christmas cards to write, presents to wrap, a big glass of merlot and some good ole Thursday night television! Really? Tell me. Does it get any better? Sure it would be nice if Shawn were home but this will do just fine. Did I mention that a roaring fire is keeping me warm and cozy? Ahhhh yes... I LOVE this time of year. The anticipation of Christmas holidays makes me giddy. Gavin too! He's still singing away in his bed!

There's always so many things to look forward to that I can barely wait for the next fun outing or gathering. This weekend we have our traditional Warkworth Santa Claus parade. It's a quaint, small town, nightime parade! We just love the feel in the village and the old fashioned style!

Saturday, we have a day of shopping. Gavin is spending the rest of the weekend with Grandma & Poppa while we go to my staff party. And we get to sleep in on Sunday! This never happens.

Seriously.... does it get better?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Doctor, Doctor

Ahhh the funny things my son does! Right now, at this very moment I am his patient. I am covered up, bandaged and getting a needle in my cheek! Oh, now he's flashing a light into my eyes and apparently the "little ball" in my eye has fallen out and he needs a net to go catch it! Too funny I tell ya! This kid cracks me up. He does know how to listen for a heartbeat! I tell him he'll make one handsome doctor when he's big and he assures me he is already a big doctor! One final medical procedure... he's measuring me with a measuring tape. Prognosis... I'm too little! Sadly... I'm felling like he may be getting just too big, too quickly, for my liking. The doctor breaks all the rules... and kisses me goodnight!