Yep... it's been a month since I posted. Sure I've had moments in time where I could have posted but something always came up and I didn't. So, how to sum up a month? Well, we've been busy. Let's see...
We had a great date night! We shopped, we had a great dinner out at Fasooli's and we saw Avatar! Sometimes we have to force ourselves to take that time. We both love to stay home and be cozy on the couch but once we're out and about we are always glad that we did it! It was fun and it gives Gav that chance to hang out with Grandma and Poppa!
We have been in Olympic fever here! The past few weeks have been full of watching the Olympics! I had no idea just how much we would embrace the Olympics and the joy of hosting here in Canada. We couldn't get enough. I especially enjoyed curling. Wierd huh? Who knew? Never even really understood the game- even though Shawn says it's quite simple... get your rock closest to the middle- that just seems way too over-simplified for me. I loved watching both teams make it to the gold medal match and take home a gold and a silver for Canada. And who could resist that hockey game! Wooohoooo! That was fun to watch!
A little sunshine chased away the February blues on the long family day weekend. Nothing like a Girls' Weekend to make February roll on by and to soak up the vitamin d! That's right- we were a group of Bahama Mamas for the weekend and it was soooo great to feel that heat! We shopped, we ate conch fritters and drank Sands Lite and we relaxed on the beach and in the hot tub. Glorious! Simply glorious! If ya haven't eaten conch before, you don't know what your're missin'! Mmmm Mmmmm Good!
After that it's been getting ready for the cruise! Last weekend we did some last minute shopping and packed up all our cute outfits for the cruise! So exciting! It's our third time but it's like the first because we have friends! YAY! We are so lucky that the Fillmore Family are joining us on our week long eastern caribbean cruise! I cannot wait for them to see just how wonderful the ship is and what a great experience it will be for our families to be together to share in the magic of Disney. I simply cannot wait to get to Detroit to see them and to start this holiday!
So, where does that leave us? Crazy busy with work! As a matter of fact, so crazy busy that Shawn is off storm chasing in Vermont and New Hampshire! Flying solo at home makes for crazy days for us! We've been super busy at work with tons of meetings and lots to do. Phew.... good thing the finale of The Bachelor is over so I can get focussed on my work again! HA HA!
But seriously... where has the time gone? I cannot believe that it is March already! After the break... I will begin to start dreaming of all that summer holds- camping, camping and more camping! Til then, I have Disney and The Fillmores to look forward to!
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