So, we put Gavin into a soccer/t-ball combo this summer! We thought..."what a fantastic way for him to get a chance to learn 2 games!". Here's the thing, Gavin is kinda demanding. You can say what you want about "only child syndrome". It exists, it doesn't. Whatever. The fact remains that no matter how hard we try to remind him that he is not the centre of the universe, he still thinks he is. Really? He is the only one. Even if we ignore his demands... there is still no one else demanding alongside him.
So, when it comes to team sports... issues- BIG time. He cannot grasp that the ball is not HIS alone to play with. He considers it unfair or cheating when the ball isn't given to him. So, we persevere. Each week we take him to the field and try to teach him good sportsmanship, teamwork and some skills. It's kinda funny but when the all out tantrum occurs it's embarrassing!
Last week, he tried really hard because Gramma & Pop were coming to watch. He tried so hard that he got a goal..in his own net! Too funny. Poor little toad. What will become of him and his father's wish for an athlete. Maybe he's more of an individual sport guy? We'll see. He starts golf camp in August!
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