This past weekend we headed up past Bolton for Faith's first hunt test. We stayed in the Albion Hills Conservation Area. What a wonderful park! Anyone who loves mountain biking or hiking would LOVE this place. There are tons of amazing trails and the park is sooo clean. Nice. One problem... I have pneumonia and couldn't enjoy most of it. We did venture out for a few walks. I think Gavin was getting "trailer fever" from all the indoor play! Either way, we had as good a time as we could. It rained all day Saturday but it was great for puddle jumping. We also got to test out the trailer's furnace (6 degrees Saturday night...brrr) and the oven (lasagna).
Faith passed her junior test! Shawn was proud with his ribbon but has his work ahead of him for her senior test. Faith has a lot of drive and gets really excited when it comes to fetching anything... especially ducks! This doesn't always work in her favour.
Our little "Trail-Cruiser" sure is getting lots of use this summer. Might be time for an upgrade!
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