Found this great image of an autumn centrepiece over at Great Bones Great Pieces. LOVE this picture. So, I think I might just whip this up this weekend. It's time to prepare for fall, friends and October!
Gavin starts SK tomorrow . I am so happy for him. He is so looking forward to getting back at it. He's so ready. Just last week, he started reading all on his own. He really does need to go and be around the kids. But then why do I feel so sad? It's just a whole lotta mixed emotions. It's just another sign that he's getting older (& me too!). I just wish I had a little longer with him home. I hope he's happy and content with our summer. I hope we did all the things he wanted to do. I hope he knows how much we love him.
Fall makes me sentimental or nostalgic or something wierd happens. I get all emotional and start this crazy nesting thing. It's just wierd. I start to feel totally different than I did in the heat of summer (or should I say the "not-so-hot" summer). Either way... it's started again! I began a bit of a flirtatious affair with fall a few years back when I confessed that I may actually like fall, despite my LOVE of summer. Maybe it's the return to work or Gavin going off to school or just the cool nights. I don't know. I just know that it's a odd sort of feeling I have- this fall thing.