So... I realize that this is going to be one long post to upload but because I am feeling the anxiety of returning to work tomorrow, I think I should attempt to fill you all in on our holidays.
It's been quite an adventure with Gavin this year. This is the first year that Gavin has really shown uncontrollable excitement with all of the festivities! He has literally, been bouncing off the walls with all the presents, family, friends and fun!
Gavin got exactly what he wanted from Santa. A new camera! He has been clicking that thing like crazy! He wore the batteries out in one day! It's funny the things a 3 year old will take pictures of... toys, tv, food! All the important things!
We have a new Christmas Eve tradition. The last two years we've crashed Auntie Liz and Martin's house. They have an annual eve party but we like to go in the daytime when they are in the midst of baking, cleaning etc. Gavin likes to eat non-stop while we are there and totally gets Auntie Liz to be on his beck and call. We visit Aunt Lydia too! She enjoys our company but I think Gavin may be a bit much for her. This time, she commented that I should return on my own sometime... too funny. Say it like it is Aunt Lydia. Never change.
Christmas Day we headed down to Grandma & Poppa's for the day! Uncle Derek & Payton came as well. We had such a great time watching the kids open their presents. Gavin was soooooo excited about all the new race cars and tracks that he got! He jumped into Poppa's arms hugging him so tightly! It was the best! Payton is getting so grown up. She got a guitar for Christmas and sad brooding like a rockstar for most of the time. We're crossing our fingers that she can play us a tune or two next Christmas. Preferably, "you better not pout" or "here comes Santa Claus"... as requested by Gavin.
Gavin's got Grandma wrapped around his finger. I know it's her job to spoil him but boy does she have her work cut out for her. The more she gives him the more he demands. He's quite bossy with her really. Oh well.. they are only little once, right? I think it's harder on us than on her.
Probably, the best gift ever, was the picture hanging tool that Shawn received from my parents. Too funny. That guy is pretty handy but when it comes to hanging a picture or THREE he gets a little grouchy! I think this may just do the trick. I'll let ya know!
Gavin got pretty silly over the holidays. Lots of sugar, lack of sleep and SANTA nearly put him over the edge. He loved all the company and all the picture taking. He made some pretty cute pictures turn pretty goofy!